What makes communities safer? Key points for discussing the 'making qld safer' laws
The violence of 'Making Queensland Safer': submission to the inquiry into the Making Queensland Safer Bill
Political Prisoners: submission to the inquiry into youth justice & incarceration
CW: contains names of Aboriginal people who have passed
Letter in solidarity with Kanaky independence struggle/Lettre en solidarité avec la lutte pour l’indépendance de Kanaky
Submission to the Inquiry into the Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities Bill no.2
Tools to ground our solidarity in global Indigenous sovereignty, sustain our anti-colonial resistance and direct us towards collective liberation. is a resource and radical archive of Blackfulla-Palestinian solidarity research, projects and activism.
Submission to the Genocide Bill Inquiry
Dr Amy McQuire, Deb Kilroy & ICRR at Hearing for the Inquiry into Missing & Murdered First Nations Women
Dr Amy McQuire, Deb Kilroy & ICRR at Hearing for the Inquiry into Missing & Murdered First Nations Women
Print your own: Solidarity through Sovereignty series
Solidarity through sovereignty - connecting our collective liberation: Colonial destruction of land & water
Solidarity through sovereignty - connecting our collective liberation: Israel as a settler-colonial state
Solidarity through sovereignty - connecting our collective liberation: Zionism and the colonisation of Palestine
Solidarity through sovereignty - connecting our collective liberation: Indigenous sovereignty here and in Palestine
Response to the Brisbane hearing for the inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women
Blackfulla-Palestinian Solidarity Symposium Film
Blackfulla-Palestinian solidarity symposium
Program for 7 November
Anti-colonial solidarities in this moment
Black, Queer, Still Here
Sovereignty & climate justice: caring for Country in cities
Sovereignty & Climate Justice event resources
What happened to the senate inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women?
Black-Palestinian solidarity night resources
Still Here resources
Invasion Day 2023 resources
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Missing and Murdered First Nations women and children
Submission to the Consultation Draft to the National Principles to Address Coercive Control
Expert report for the Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to family and domestic violence
Testifying to police and state violence - QPS DV Inquiry hearing
‘Let’s stop it at the start’: defunding the Queensland Police Service as violent perpetrators
‘We demand a ceasefire’: responding to Australia’s ‘anti-racism’ framework
'No Room at the Inn' Fay Gale Lecture 2022
It’s Time to Talk About Race, Colonialism… and Abolition. Women's Safety & Justice Taskforce submission
The State as Abuser: Coercive Control in the Colony. Women's Safety & Justice Taskforce submission
In No Uncertain Terms: the Violence of Criminalising Coercive Control. Joint statement
Carceral Feminism and Coercive Control - The Conversation
Consultation Paper for Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan Review (Qld Mental Health Commission)
Submission on Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (Qld)
Submission to NHMRC Targeted Call for Research
Not a One-Way Street. Report to Queensland Sentencing Advisory Committee
A Matter of Land, Life and Death: Reframing the Australian Human Rights Commission's National Anti-Racism Framework